Patent Search Options
If you do your own patent search without much experience, you probably will not find the prior art the patent examiner will find during searching. This will result in the rejection of your patent application if you file it on your own.

And Here’s the Pitch (Letter)
Most people assume a patent covers the entire item, whereas it may only cover a fraction of the features. Tips on an old-school approach to landing a licensee for your invention.

Utility Patent Options, Alternatives
Many of the patent rules are subtle and cause amateurs (including me) to lose a large chunk of the patent’s strength and value if we prepare a patent on our own.

A Tangled Lesson for All
Woman’s inventing experience reveals production, design and expense challenges. After your first year or two, when sales appear to be at their peak, approach manufacturers who have a product line in which your product would fit.

Designing for a Patent
Heed these 5 main principles, with your prospective licensee’s preferences also in mind. A negative patent search—that is, finding nothing like your invention—is not reliable.

The Sell Sheet That Works
You must have a sell sheet to license your invention. Or, if you intend to produce rather than licensing, you’ll have to convince skeptical catalogers, internet sellers and distributors they can make a profit marketing your product.