Patent Law


Impact Partners

IPWatchdog celebrates its silver anniversary as the gold standard for patent advocacy and intellectual property news  BY REID CREAGER On […]

Eye on Washington

Action on Infringement

The Realizing Engineering, Science, and Technology Opportunities by Restoring Exclusive (RESTORE) Patent Rights Act of 2024 would essentially abrogate the 2006 Supreme Court ruling in  eBay v. MercExchange, a case that many patent owners argue has played a key role in weakening the value of patents.

Inventing 101

Understanding Improvement Patents

With an improvement patent, you add improvements to a previously patented invention. If you are not the owner of the previous patent, you might be able to get a patent but not be able to sell the product related to the patent because you would be infringing on the original patent.

Lander Zone

Patent Search Options

If you do your own patent search without much experience, you probably will not find the prior art the patent examiner will find during searching. This will result in the rejection of your patent application if you file it on your own. 

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