trademark disputes

Eye on Washington

A Google ‘Bulldoze’?

Gemini Data, Inc., an AI software company, has sued Google, LLC in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California for trademark infringement, alleging that the rebranding of Google’s AI chatbot from BARD to GEMINI represents a “calculated decision to bulldoze over Gemini Data’s exclusive rights without hesitation.”

IP Market

Goodwill Attempt Backfires

Under pressure to fight counterfeit products on its online platform and those accused of violating third-party patents, Amazon created its APEX program. It’s sort of an intramural arbitration process whereby someone claiming its patents were being infringed upon by an article sold on the Amazon website could—for a $4,000 fee—file a complaint and be bound by the final decision of the patent specialist retained by Amazon.

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