EquIP HQ is here: EquIP HQ is a new, web-based portal with free educational resources designed for K-12 educators and learners that expand student learning, creativity and innovation through STEM-based lesson plans. The portal features teacher- and student-tested lessons, interactive and fun activities, and videos of young inventors designed to inspire and reveal the inventor within every student. Students are introduced to the world of patents, trademarks, copyrights and trade secrets and learn how intellectual property plays a vital role in turning ideas into real-world solutions. Sign up for free at equiphq.org.
Seeking public input: The USPTO is taking a multi-pronged approach to imparting more clarity and certainty into patent eligibility. Existing USPTO patent subject matter eligibility guidance, enacted in 2019, has contributed to more consistent examination. But more work is to be done.
Given the overwhelming interest in the guidance, the USPTO has published a Federal Register Notice updating the means by which the public can provide feedback. The USPTO will now accept feedback via the Federal eRulemaking Portal until October 15, 2022. Any previous feedback provided through the uspto.gov mailbox (which is no longer active) will be given equal consideration.
New DEIA advisor: Caren Ulrich Stacy was appointed the lead advisor of the USPTO’s focused efforts toward diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA) throughout the agency. Ms. Ulrich Stacy is a talent expert with 30 years’ experience whose most recent accomplishments include founding Diversity Lab—an incubator for innovative, science-driven solutions that increase inclusivity and equal access to opportunities in law and beyond.
The appointment was announced by Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property and USPTO Director Kathi Vidal.