Woman’s 4-in-1 device gives owners control and dogs the ability to roam and play
We have featured quite a few newly invented pet products over the years: The Lure’s Allure/SwiftPaws, Inventors Digest February 2024; Catamazing, ID November 2022; HummViewer, ID March 2023; Walkee Paws, ID February 2022.
Here’s a new pet product, Leashball, invented by Kim Moore of South Lake Tahoe, California.
Edith G. Tolchin (EGT): Tell us about yourself. Where are you from?
Kim Moore (KM): This is always an interesting question to have to answer. I think I know who I am at my stage in life, but I often reflect on this when I am hiking with my big black German Shepherd, Decker.
My husband and I live in one of the most beautiful areas of the world, South Lake Tahoe. I now call it one of the “Seven Wonders of the World,” as we have a plethora of visitors every summer—mostly to visit Emerald Bay!
The experiences of my youth taught me that life wasn’t going to be easy, and no one was going to make the world a better place for me. It was all on me to put my best foot forward and make my world a place that made sense to me as I traversed my way from childhood to adulthood.
For the past three decades, with my husband (and best friend), we have raised three incredible children who have since become amazing individuals in the world. We are blessed with a granddaughter who is the biggest supporter of my inventions. I serve as a Realtor, which has enriched our lives and funded my inventions.
EGT: How did Leashball™ come about?
KM: I am both a dog and outdoors enthusiast. Many of our vacations were spent pitching tents and boating on our lakes in California. As time evolved, more dog restrictions for leashes were becoming prominent. My daughter’s Min Pin was one of those playful dogs that loved to greet all the newcomers but wasn’t so anxious to listen to our commands!
At first, as many do, we tied him to the beach chair. This was not very effective, as his leash was constantly getting tangled around everything and became a huge annoyance. Leashball came about from those many trips to the beach, coupled with fireside family conversations with a wine glass in hand.
EGT: Please describe Leashball’s features.
KM: Leashball is the ultimate 4-in-1 solution for pet owners who want to keep their pets under control while giving them the freedom to play and roam. There’s no need to worry about tangled leashes or runaway, lost pets.
This versatile device combines a 15-foot tethering system, a food bowl, water bowl, and a removable, retractable leash into one compact package, making it the perfect solution for outdoor activities.
EGT: Do you have various models/styles, or just one? Any add-ons?
KM: Leashball currently only has one model (or) style. We are hoping to add a smaller-size ball and more colors once we are successful with the size and color we have.
Our green was chosen specifically for its brightness and versatility. Our retractable leash is propriety, so if your leash gets lost, you can order a new one. We will also have an upgraded bag to carry your Leashball to your various outdoor activities.
EGT: Where are you selling (website, retail, Amazon)?
KM: It is selling on our website. Our goal is to sell it in retail pet stores that cater to outdoor dog activities. We are hoping to put Leashball into some outdoor sporting goods stores as well.
EGT: Is Leashball patented? Did that process take a long time or much effort?
KM: I had a provisional patent application for the first prototype of Leashball. The process was arduous and expensive and only lasted one year before a full patent was required. This would have been amazing, except more alterations were required on the first prototype, rendering the provisional patent application null and void.
Knowing what I know now, I would not have filed a provisional patent application. But the patent explorations did prove we had a unique product.
EGT: Where are you manufacturing? Are you pleased with your supplier(s)?
KM: Leashball is being manufactured in China. I was fortunate to have an engineer who not only was well versed with the inventor community but also had substantial connections to manufacturing in China.
We all try to have our products made in the USA, but as a sole proprietor and financer this was not an option given the extreme costs to create prototypes and molds.
EGT: Have you encountered any logistics problems?
KM: I think we all encounter some type of logistical issues, whether with product development or environmental. China is a lovely country, but it does have an extensive number of holidays we had to contend with.
The other main constraint occurred during COVID-19. Not only did it affect my ability to produce income to support the manufacturing of Leashball, it also lengthened the entire process.
EGT: Who created your logo or trademark?
KM: The Leashball logo has gone through a couple of renditions. A few mistakes of hiring the wrong companies cost me some time and dollars, but lessons were learned.
I found that engaging in my local community made all the difference in the world. I am currently working with Legal Zoom for my trademark.
EGT: Have you done any crowdfunding?
KM: No, I have not done any crowdfunding. To be brutally honest, the process of managing a campaign seemed too overwhelming.
EGT: What is your advice for novice inventors beginning to develop a product for the pet industry?
KM: One of the most important pieces of advice I can offer is to stay true to the course and your vision. Connect with positive people who can offer you value and support while you are on your journey.
Being an inventor is not for the faint of heart. It can be draining both emotionally and financially. But on the flip side, inventing is one of the most growth-producing processes a person can experience.
Be tenacious in your spirit. Never view mistakes as a failure but as a challenge to make your invention better. Look to those who have been in the industry before you; befriend them, and soak up all the information you can.
Lastly, finish what you set out to accomplish—no matter how many roadblocks you may encounter. There is nothing more exhilarating than to see and hold your product after years in the making.
Details: leashball.com

Edith G. Tolchin
Edith G. Tolchin has written for Inventors Digest since 2000. She is the author of several books, including “Secrets of Successful Women Inventors” and “Secrets of Successful Inventing”.