100 Strong
Patent and Trademark Resource Center Program reaches historic milestone A burgeoning network that is a beacon of hope and information […]
Patent and Trademark Resource Center Program reaches historic milestone A burgeoning network that is a beacon of hope and information […]
NEWS FLASH The National Academy of Inventors (NAI) has announced the launch of its newest program, Invention Ambassadors, created in
Innovation isn’t invention; it’s often a necessary, welcome change in the way we do things. The strategy must balance the chaos of innovation with the stability of conformity. This is the most efficient, cost-effective path to successfully launch an innovative product.
Grenada innovation workshop was memorable for beautiful innovation, people and scenery. Once the sample projects were completed, teams had the afternoon to use the parts to build their own prototypes and work on their digital prototypes.
The last time I attended the Consumer Electronics Show—the most popular and widely attended tech event in America—was two years ago. It was ravaged by last-minute pullouts by big tech companies due to COVID concerns.
As women entrepreneurs explode in numbers, groups build strength via networking and innovation. When Melissa Barker was a little girl, she knew marketing was going to be her career. She might not have known she was going be part of a revolution.