Patent and Trademark Resource Center Program gives inventors electronic resources with a human touch
It doesn’t seem too long ago that if you needed to find detailed information about something, you would visit the library. But even now, with all kinds of information instantly available via the internet, a USPTO library program with a human touch is a great resource for anyone researching patents and trademarks.
The Patent and Trademark Resource Center Program (PTRCP), formerly the Patent and Trademark Depository Library Program, features a slew of electronic resources and staff trained to use search tools for accessing patent and trademark information.
Eighty-three libraries (academic, public, state, and special libraries) are part of the PTRC program. Representatives from each library attend an annual PTRC training seminar, receive one-on-one virtual training and assistance, and receive materials from the PTRC Program Office including print copies of plant patents, brochures, and other handouts for the public.
PTRC library representatives can:
- Assist patrons in person and provide remote assistance via phone, email, chat, letter, and virtual conferencing such as Zoom
- Provide access to resources such as PubEAST and PubWEST, examiner-based search systems
- Direct you to information and explain the application process and fee schedule
- Demonstrate how to use search tools to conduct a patent or trademark search
- Show you a directory of local patent attorneys who are licensed to practice before the USPTO
- Offer classes on intellectual property (varies by location)
- Offer assistance on how to do historical research on patents and trademarks
- Show you how to track current research by company or nonprofit
- Help you find assignee information and much more.
PTRC libraries often host speakers from USPTO as part of their outreach, and to help connect the USPTO to stakeholders. PTRC representatives are not attorneys and cannot provide legal advice.
For more information and a link to view locations: uspto.gov/PTRC