AI-RELATED GUIDANCE UPDATE: The USPTO issued a guidance update on patent subject matter eligibility to address innovation in key emerging technologies, including in artificial intelligence (AI). This will assist USPTO personnel and stakeholders in determining subject matter eligibility under patent law of AI inventions. The update builds on previous guidance.
Full text of the update is available at uspto.gov/AI. Corresponding examples are available on its AI-related resources webpage. The USPTO will accept public comments on the guidance update and the examples through September 16, 2024. See the Federal Register Notice for instructions on submitting comments.
DIGITAL REPLICAS REPORT: The United States Copyright Office released Copyright and Artificial Intelligence Part 1: Digital Replicas, the first in a planned multipart report on copyright-related legal and policy issues associated with the emergence of AI technology. This report addresses legal and policy issues surrounding AI-generated digital replicas, or the use of digital technology to realistically replicate an individual’s voice or appearance.
SEEKING VOLUNTEERS: USPTO user and customer experience teams regularly conduct research—including interviews, usability testing of prototypes, or feedback sessions—to better understand your experiences as a USPTO customer. We may contact you to ask you to participate.
Volunteering does not commit you to participating. If you are interested in participating in future research, complete the form at uspto.gov/about-us/website-improvements.