Launch of trademark search system and full implementation of Patent Center enhance ease of use for USPTO stakeholders
You spoke. We listened. And now, USPTO stakeholders can benefit from improved processes for trademark searches and for filing a patent application.
After eight months of input from stakeholders, the USPTO trademark search system launched on November 30. The new system provides a more stable search environment with a simplified search interface that also supports complex searching for advanced users.
The cloud-based system allows you to search for existing trademarks in the United States. You can use it to find out if your desired trademark is available, or if there are any similar trademarks that might cause confusion or conflict with your own.
At tmsearch.uspto.gov/search, simply enter the name of a possible trademark, product, or owner, and learn the status of your entry: registered, pending, cancelled, or abandoned. An Expert mode at the top of the page provides additional drop-down options, class filtering, and combining search lines.
The trademark search system is updated regularly and covers all active and inactive trademarks, as well as pending applications.
In addition to the enhanced search capabilities, the new system:
- Features a help section with guidance on using the system.
- Provides a list of improvements made to the system.
- Offers the opportunity to share your input via a feedback button.
On November 15, two weeks before the trademark search system launched, the USPTO’s Patent Center—which began operations in 2017— fully replaced the decades-old EFS-Web and Private Patent Application Information Retrieval (PAIR). The Patent Center provides a one-stop shop for filing and managing applications, offering a next-generation user interface with better overall system performance and security.
The transformation from the legacy systems to Patent Center (patentcenter.uspto.gov) has involved multiple training events over the past few years. In total, more than 30,000 customers have been trained. Additionally, the USPTO worked directly with more than 25 stakeholder groups in recent months to answer questions and receive feedback about the new system.
You can now:
- Use USPTO.gov accounts and sponsorships that you’ve already created for EFS-Web and Private PAIR.
- Upload your patent application specification, claims, abstract, and drawings in a single DOCX document.
- Upload multiple documents at once using the drag-and-drop interface.
- Download multiple documents at one time in a single PDF or ZIP file.
- Confirm the status of submitted documents and successful payments with separate submission and payment receipts.
- Explore Training Mode, an interactive simulation to safely practice filing DOCX and PDF documents, without submitting anything. You’ll also receive real-time feedback.
To address concern among stakeholders regarding certificate of transmission language, the USPTO is formally waiving its relevant rules and will accept a certificate of transmission on a pre-printed form and submitted by applicants via Patent Center. See the waiver at uspto.gov/sites/default/files/documents/pc-forms-waiver.pdf.