What’s Next in IP?

LEARN ABOUT IP BASICS: Learn about patents, trademarks, copyrights, and trade secrets from USPTO experts in the free online program “Intellectual Property Basics and Helpful Resources,” November 7 and December 5 from noon to 1:30 ET. Also discover potential ways to protect your innovation as you move from idea to product. 

The USPTO’s Midwest Elijah J. McCoy Regional Outreach Office offers this session the first Thursday of each month. Space is limited, so register early. 

For more information, email midwest@uspto.gov or call 313-446-4800. Visit https://www.uspto.gov/about-us/events/intellectual-property-basics-and-helpful-resources-18 for details and the registration link.

FEDERAL TRADEMARK SEARCHING: Another free online program, this webinar will introduce you to the fundamental mechanics of using the USPTO’s trademark search system. Geared toward new users and those interested in conducting basic searches, it covers why you should search, basic search strategy, common searches, and finding help.

For details, and to register visit https://www.uspto.gov/about-us/events/federal-trademark-searching-webinar-series.

PATH TO A PATENT: This free, online quarterly series covers subjects that include intellectual property basics, patent searching, what you’ll need to draft and submit your patent application, and more. Parts 5-8, all on Thursdays from 2 to 3:30 p.m. ET, will be held on November 7, November 21, December 5, and December 12, respectively. For details, and to register visit www.uspto.gov/about-us/events/path-patent.

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